Offshift February Community Call & PriFi AMA Recap


The shortest month…yet so many updates. Check out what happened in February 2022.

Welcome PriFi Pioneers! Our February community call took place on the 24th. As always, we kicked off with some community updates:

  • Offshift just wrapped up our Meta Sponsorship at ETHDenver 2022. The vibe this year was out of this world, and heralded great things to come from the Web3 ecosystem in the months to come. The week of ETHDenver, CSO Alex Shipp joined a panel on “Money, Credit and Privacy in the era of DAOs” and later presented his main talk “Collateral Damage: DeFi’s Ticking Time Bomb.” On the 20th, the in-person bounties wrapped up, and the virtual bounties have 2 more weeks to go . Stay tuned for more updates!
  • A busy month for our dev team and writers. We published both our January and February development recaps. The updates include progress reports on key storing logic, complex payment solutions, UI fixes, and more. Check out the January and February recaps.
  • Have you heard? The Offshift Academy is the best home of content, resources, and guides to learning about Offshift, PriFi, and layer 1 privacy. This past month, we posted two updates to the Academy: “ Partners & Ecosystem Protocols ” and “ Rugpull-Proof DeFi ”. Check them out!
  • During the call, we provided a sneak peek into some of the work in the near-term, including: reviewing ETHDenver bounty submissions, publishing version 2.0 of the pilot program , a Zokyo audit, protocol audits, and more!

Tuning in to our recaps for the first time? Catch up with our January community call and PriFi AMA recap. Check it out!

We opened up the floor to our community members and got a host of great questions, including:

1. Why did Offshift choose to build PriFi on Ethereum?

2. What will guarantee that no government can disable or restrict #PriFi functionality?

3. If the total market value of all zkAssets ever rises above the market value of all existing XFT, this would suggest a form of under-collateralization. Is this seen as a potential risk?

4. How is the XFT token price determined during a Shift?

5. WIll shifting in and out of the ecosystem cost the same amount of fees as Shifting between zkAssets?

6. Will it be possible to use insurance on zkAssets through other dApps?

7. Why will holders/stakers of zkAssets be rewarded by staking rewards/yield?

8. There is 1.5 million XFT reserved for staking rewards. How will these rewards be financed once the 1.5 million wallet is depleted?

Thank you to everyone who joined us this month! And especially those who submitted questions! Offshift hosts community calls every month, and you can submit your questions directly on Discord in advance, or bring them with you to ask us live. This month we gave away 25 XFT to 3 community members who submitted questions prior to our call.

February winners are Offshift Discord members:



@Mar Lcl

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