The Offshift anon MPC Ceremony Goes Live


With mainnet launch just around the corner, Offshift Core is pleased to announce that the Offshift anon MPC Ceremony is now live at . Beginning today, January 10, the ceremony opens to the public and will span 2 full weeks.

We would be honored to have you participate!

What is an MPC Ceremony?

In a zkSNARK system, provers and verifiers rely on a common set of parameters that are generated in the setup – that is, the ceremony phase. We can generate these random values in a more trustless and decentralized way by using a Multi-Party Computation (MPC), where users contribute their own entropy, or randomness, to the protocol’s parameters.

For an attacker to fake zk-proofs once the protocol is live, they must compromise every single contributor to the MPC Ceremony. Therefore, as the number of contributors increases, the probability that every single contributor is compromised decreases.

For more information on the role and function of MPC Ceremonies, check out Offshift’s Mid October Dev Update .

Why Participate?

Once Offshift anon is live, the MPC Ceremony will have concluded, and each participant’s contribution and corresponding attestation will confer a greater probability that the ceremony was not compromised. So whether you’re a known or respected figure in the industry, a pseudonymous Twitter account, or just some anon, you have something of value to contribute to Offshift anon’s MPC Ceremony.

How can you contribute to Offshift anon’s MPC Ceremony?

  1. Participate by following the instructions below
  2. Share your participation by tweeting your attestation

When is best to participate?

  • The ceremony begins January 10 and concludes January 24
  • You can come by any time – the process takes a few minutes tops!
  • The earlier you share your participation, the more individuals and organizations will have a chance to get word of the ceremony and participate themselves.

How do you participate?

1. Navigate to the Offshift MPC Ceremony page .

2. Enter a random text string in the Entropy Here box and click Contribute.

3. Wait for your contribution to finish (may take a minute or two).

4. When your contribution is complete, click the Tweet button -

5. And Tweet.

That’s it!

Now, if you’d like to verify your contribution, click Copy Attestation.

Navigate to an online Keccak-256 hasher and paste the attestation you copied from the Ceremony page into the Input box. Select “Hex” as the input type, then delete the leading “0x” from your input.

Click Hash.

Verify that the Output from the Keccak-256 hasher (above) matches your contribution’s Attestation Keccak256 Hash on the Ceremony page (below).

If it does, you’ve verified your contribution!

Following the conclusion of the ceremony, Offshift Core will be delivering results and sharing next steps with our community in our January PriFi AMA, slated for Thursday, January 26 at 12pm ET on the Offshift YouTube Channel .

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, we’d love to hear them! Follow Offshift’s official Twitter account, and stay on the lookout for a question submission link as the AMA approaches. As always, we’ll be giving out XFT to the 3 best submissions!