anonBTC LP Rewards to Launch May 5


Offshift is pleased to announce the launch of the anonBTC LP Rewards Program on Friday, May 5. Similar to the launch of the anonUSD LP Rewards Program in February , the anonBTC launch will feature a three-day event to establish liquidity prior to the launch of Anonymizing Shifts into anonBTC on May 8. Full instructions for the LP event will be provided on the 5th.

anonBTC/ETH LP Rewards

LPs will receive a monthly reward allocation for providing liquidity in the anonBTC/ETH pool on Uniswap. For all anonBTC/ETH LPs, rewards allocations will be issued in XFT. A tentative rewards schedule running through December 2026 is outlined below, and remains subject to change pending liquidity provided.

LP Rewards Schedule

Schedules for the existing LP Rewards pools, as well as the new anonBTC pool, are listed below.

May - Dec 202364,000ˣᶠᵀ64,000ˣᶠᵀ32,000ˣᶠᵀ

Stay tuned to the Offshift Twitter and the official Offshift Telegram for more details on the anonBTC launch as it approaches!