Offshift Launches Ethereum-Moonriver Cross-chain Bridge on Meter Passport


The Offshift Ethereum-Moonriver Bridge is now live on Meter Passport , where users can send XFT between the Ethereum and Moonriver blockchains. Moonriver is Moonbeam’s community-led sister parachain on Kusama. To streamline cross-chain transfers and simplify user experience, the Offshift Ethereum-BSC Bridge has also been migrated to Passport, which will facilitate all cross-chain XFT transfers going forward.

With a fully operational cross-chain bridge now live, we are excited to advance toward the public release of our Pilot and Mainnet with development progressing on Ethereum and Substrate in lockstep.

Since day one, Offshift has committed to building exclusively on Layer 1. However, we have also remained conscientious of the prohibitive Ethereum gas fees that price many users out of Layer 1 protocols. Building out our platform on Ethereum and Substrate in tandem represents a major accomplishment in staying true to our commitments to both decentralization and inclusivity. We are proud to offer a low-cost environment for traders, investors, and privacy advocates alike to interact with the Offshift protocol.

Users can also engage Offshift with confidence that we will continue to make every effort to offer users in both the Ethereum and Kusama/Polkadot ecosystems the same level and quality of accessibility, features, and general user experience.

As a project dedicated to decentralization, Offshift is also proud to be using Meter Passport to facilitate all future cross-chain XFT transfers. We determined Passport’s multi-chain router to be the most secure and decentralized multi-signature option on the market, and one that is already widely adopted by projects with cross-chain protocols.

To remain up-to-date and in-the-know with everything Offshift as we release our Pilot and Mainnet to bring true, Layer 1 PriFi to Ethereum and Kusama, stay tuned here on the official Offshift Blog.

About Offshift

Offshift is leading private decentralized finance (PriFi) with the world’s first Private Derivatives Platform. It leverages zero-knowledge (zk) proofs and sources reliable, real-time price feeds from Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network to enable users to mint zkAssets, an unprecedented line of fully private synthetics. Offshift’s mostly anonymous team has developed a trusted reputation for their thorough privacy research, development and execution.

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