Offshift December Community Call & PriFi AMA Recap

December was a month of tremendous progress here at Offshift, and we have a ton to share with our community. Since hiring blockchain security firm Paladin for an audit of Offshift anon, we have come a long, long way in 30 days. Here’s the news in one sentence: the Offshift anon mainnet is arriving in Q1 2023! For full details on all that’s to come, read on below, or check out the December 29 live stream for yourself:
Welcome PriFi Pioneers! On the path to mainnet, we have a lot to accomplish. Throughout Q1 2023, we’ll be keeping our community in the loop and fully informed every step of the way. As we go through the process of finalizing our audit, conducting our MPC Ceremony, and implementing a series of necessary processes and final touches to arrive at the Offshift anon Mainnet launch, you’ll be able to follow along with us via regular updates, demos and walkthroughs, and of course, our monthly PriFi AMAs. First up, let’s get you up to speed on the progress of the audit.
- Paladin officially began auditing Offshift anon on Monday, November 28, and delivered a preliminary report December 24.
- More Good News! Per Paladin’s report, all issues are resolvable – that means nothing severe was uncovered.
- Offshift Core’s dev team is already working toward a resolution, which will be submitted to Paladin the week of January 9.
- We anticipate that Paladin will be able to evaluate and approve the resolution in time for our January PriFi AMA – slated for Thursday, January 26, at 12pm ET.
- In tandem, our devs are fine-tuning our UI and making further preparations for mainnet launch.
- As outlined in our November AMA Recap , Paladin will be with us through mainnet launch, a huge plus for our team, our platform, and our community.
But the progress does not stop there. Resolutions and fine-tuning will not hold up our march toward mainnet launch – we’ve got an MPC Ceremony to conduct! But first, let’s have a look at Offshift’s public appearances and releases from December.
Offshift Academy is Back! On Dec 19, we released Offshift Academy’s newest video – Offshift anon: Platform Overview . The video is the most complete rundown of the platform to date.
In addition, we updated our existing Offshift Academy Videos. Watch them all to get in-the-know on everything Offshift before the Offshift anon Mainnet goes live:
In the News: On December 21, our CSO Alex Shipp published an Op-Ed in The Daily Hodl titled: “ It’s Time To Return to Crypto’s Roots – Don’t Trust, Verify ”.
Now, let’s talk about our MPC Ceremony.
- The Offshift anon Multiparty Computation (MPC) Ceremony will be conducted over the course of 2 weeks – beginning January 10 and culminating January 24.
- For more information on MPC Ceremonies, check out Offshift’s Mid October Dev Update
- Offshift anon’s MPC Ceremony will be open to the public.
- And here’s some more good news: participation will not require technical proficiency, financial expenditure, or special software or hardware of any kind.
- Even better, participating will take 2 minutes at most.
- Each participating user will also be able to share his or her unique attestation on Twitter as proof of participation.
- At Offshift Core, we respect your anonymity as much as anyone, but we encourage all those who feel comfortable to spread the word!
- As the MPC Ceremony approaches, we’ll be releasing an Offshift MPC Ceremony Walkthrough – stay tuned!
Once our MPC Ceremony concludes, we will proceed to the Offshift anon Roadmap to Mainnet – with launch slated for Q1 2023. Here’s a list of the milestones leading up to mainnet launch. More specific dates and timeframes will be provided in our January PriFi AMA. For now, here’s what the path looks like:
1) XFT Token Upgrade/Swap
2) Offshift anon Contract Deployment
3) Offshift anon Relayer Deployment
4) anonUSD Liquidity Pool Launch & LP Rewards Program Launch
5) Offshift anon Mainnet Launch: Q1 2023
Lastly, we’ve been listening to you!
- Features You Asked For: We’ve been keeping tabs on our community’s preferences with a series of weekly polls in our official
. Per community demand, here’s what we can tell you about the Offshift anon mainnet right now:
- Offshift anon will be adapted to mobile platforms.
- Offshift anon’s first anonAsset will be anonUSD.
- Offshift anon users will be able to Shift directly from ETH to anonUSD (with the ETH to XFT transaction taking place under the hood).
Exciting times!
After presenting a wealth of information detailing our path to mainnet launch, we took the time to answer our community’s questions. And we got a bunch of great ones. Here are a few of the many questions we received:
How difficult will it be to launch additional anonAssets? I mean this in two ways: regarding (1) the technical difficulty in updating contracts, and (2) the unique tokenomics considerations based on the specific anonAsset in question.
Why can‘t we re-use an existing CRS from a project which already conducted a MPC Ceremony?
How many days will it take to conduct the MPC event? And, do we need to meet a certain number of participants before mainnet?
For full answers to these questions and more, watch the replay of the Offshift December PriFi AMA .
Offshift Core would like to thank everyone who submitted questions and tuned in this month – especially during the holiday season! We can’t wait to deliver more updates and information in our upcoming January PriFi AMA on January 26, 2023 at 12pm ET. Keep an eye out for the submission link on Offshift’s official Twitter account.
Submit your best questions in advance, and you might just be one of 3 winners of 100 XFT!
Here are December’s winners:
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